An opportunity to address housing, the biggest barrier for women seeking restoration

strip Your donation makes a difference

Because of generous people like you, Barnardos Australia can continue to help children and families facing issues such as violence, poverty, homelessness, substance abuse and mental illness. Last year we supported 14,494 children, young people and families by empowering them to reach their brightest future.


7,465 children

were helped through our Children's Family Centres


1,880 young people

were supported to overcome life’s challenges by building resilience and positive relationships


80% of parents / caregivers

in our Barnardos parenting programs said their capacity to care had improved

Together we can achieve so much!



The Peter Pan Committee in Aid of Barnardos Australia


The Peter Pan Committee (PPC) is a major fundraising committee for Barnardos Australia and over the past decade has raised funds for a number of critical child welfare programs and services, helping thousands of children and young people. The committee also raises important public awareness and goodwill.


Privacy Policy: The Peter Pan Committee is an entity of Barnardos Australia. Barnardos respects your privacy. Your details are protected under the Privacy Act 1998. For further information, please visit

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